About CABAS Continuing Education
To maintain active rank status, CABAS rank recipients must participate in CABAS continuing education events and submit documentation to the CABAS CEU Sub-committee by the deadline of the identified continuing educaiton cylce.
Continuing Education Cycle: Effective June 1, 2023, all current rank recipients will be required to obtain CABAS CEUs to maintain active rank status and every two years thereafter. For the June 2023 - June 2025 continuing education cycle, rank recipients will be required to submit permanent products for each event reported.
Teaching Assistant (TA) ranks will be required to obtain four (4) CABAS CEUs by June 1, 2025 to maintain active rank status and every two years thereafter. All other ranks will be required to submit eight (8) CABAS CEUs by June 1, 2025 and every two years thereafter.
Effective June 1, 2023, all individuals receiving an initial rank after June 1, 2023 will have two(2) years from the date of rank conferral to obtain the required CABAS CEUs to maintain active rank status. CEU cycle commencement will coincide with periodic CABAS rank reviews.
CABAS CEUs must be obtained within the two (2) year reporting cycle. CEUs obtained outside of the reporting cycle may not be applied to past or subsequent reporting cycles.