KAVBA Children’s Center
KAVBA(Korean Advancement of Behavior Analysis) Children’s Center is the first CABAS® accredited site in Asia, located in Seoul, S. Korea. KAVBA provides Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) utilizing curriculum/assessment tools such as C-PIRK(CABAS® International Curriculum and Inventory of Repertoires for Children from Preschool through Kindergarten), VBDA-R(Verbal Behavior Development Assessment-Revised), and KISSYC (Korean Inventory of Social Skills for Young Children).
Communication, language, academic skills, play, self-management, and social skills are targeted area for children ages 2-7. Based on verbal behavior levels of children, a continuum of group program services are provided: half day programs, full day programs, an afterschool program, and a social skill training program. Ratio of teacher to child in all group programs is 1:1.
In addition to the EIBI services, we provides parent educations and educational consultation to other agencies. We disseminate clinical and research findings in verbal behavior analysis to professional in the field through workshops. We also provide professional training by providing BCBA supervisions hours for future behavior analysts and CEU hours for current BCBAs. KAVBA is an authorized continuing education provider organization of BCBA certification in S. Korea.
For more information about KAVBA Children’s Center, visit www.kavba.co.kr or https://blog.naver.com/kavba
Contact Information:
Hyesuk LeePark, Ph. D., CABAS SBA, BCBA-D, LBA-NYS
Executive Director
2nd Floor, 52-9 Myeongdal-Ro, Seocho-Gu,
Seoul, S. Korea (Zip06708)
Tel: +82-2-523-2766
KAVBA Gallery